Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
all that is required is to specify the appropriate value in the SortExpression property of
the UnleashedField (this property is actually inherited directly from the DataControlField
base class). The following markup snippet illustrates how this was done in the last sample
<unl:UnleashedField DataField=”Product” HeaderText=”Product” UIHint=”Parent”
DisplayField=”ProductName” SortExpression=”Product.ProductName ”/>
With a LINQ-enabled data source, the SortExpression can traverse related entities
through the navigation properties. To allow sorting the list of order items by the product
name, you simply specify SortExpression of the first column as Product . ProductName ,
where Product is the name of the navigation property of the Order_Detail entity. What
the SortExpression does when the user clicks the Product column in the GridView
control on the sample page is very similar the following LINQ query. Of course, setting
the SortExpression does not require any custom code and is much more compact:
using (var context = new NorthwindEntities())
IQueryable<Order_Detail> query =
from item in context.Order_Details
orderby item.Product.ProductName
select item;
Building Custom Search Pages
Many similarities exist between the DynamicControl and field templates on one side and
the DynamicFilter control and filter templates on the other. As you recall from a discus-
sion in Chapter 10, “Building Custom Forms,” the DynamicControl allows you to assemble
custom entity forms from field templates based on the type of entity properties. If you
need a specific field template for a given property, such as the MultilineText template,
you can specify its name in the UIHint attribute of the DynamicControl :
<asp:DynamicControl runat=”server” DataField=”Address”
UIHint=”MultilineText” />
If you want to provide additional information to the field template, you can do so by
specifying custom attributes directly in markup. The DynamicControl automatically assigns
the custom attribute values, such as the Columns attribute shown next, to the matching
public properties of the field template:
<asp:DynamicControl runat=”server” DataField=”Address” Columns=”65” />
When it comes to dynamic filters, the DynamicFilter control also supports the ability to
specify the template name explicitly by setting its FilterUIHint attribute in markup. You
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