Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In field templates, this annotation is available via the Description property of the
MetaColumn class. Field templates typically use it in Load event handlers to set the ToolTip
property of their data control, such as a TextBox or a DropDownList . The Boolean_Edit ,
ForeignKey_Edit , and ManyToMany_Edit field templates do not support the Description
annotation out of the box. However, it is easy enough to fix this problem by adding code
similar to the following snippet. This example was taken from the Boolean_Edit field
template in the source code accompanying this topic:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.checkBox.ToolTip = this.Column.Description;
By design, the DisplayAttribute cannot be applied to classes; it contains many prop-
erties that simply would not be applicable. To provide a human-readable name for an
entity type, you need to use the DisplayNameAttribute , as shown in here:
[DisplayName(“Order Items”)
partial class Order_Detail
Configuring Field Templates
After specifying which properties of an entity should appear on a dynamic form, in what
order they should appear, and what labels they should display, you might also need to
specify which field templates will be used for data entry and how they should be config-
Making Properties Read-Only
One of the important decisions to make when designing entities in your application is
whether a particular property can be modified by the user directly or supplied by the
system and displayed to the user in Read-only mode. In a custom page or template, you
can specify whether an Edit mode or a Read-only field template will be loaded by setting
the Mode property of the DynamicControl or DynamicField explicitly in markup:
<asp:DynamicControl runat=”server” DataField=”SubmittedDate” Mode=”ReadOnly” />
When the DynamicControl instances are generated dynamically , the field template mode
needs to come from the model. If you were using a code-first or model-first approach in
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