Databases Reference
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if (!Validator.TryValidateObject(entity, context, results, true))
ThrowValidationException(entity, results);
The new version calls the TryValidateObject method of the static Validator class. Unlike
the ValidateObject method used previously, which throws a single ValidationException
for the first error it detects, the TryValidateObject method invokes all validation attrib-
utes and implementations of the IValidatableObject interface. The TryValidateObject
method collects the errors in the list of ValidationResult objects it receives as the third
parameter and returns false if any errors were detected.
The ThrowValidationException method (shown next) uses the validation results to create
a list of ValidationException objects. If multiple validation results were reported, it
throws the AggregateException . Otherwise, it throws the ValidationException to mimic
the simple behavior implemented earlier:
protected static void ThrowValidationException(
object entity, IEnumerable<ValidationResult> results)
var exceptions = new List<ValidationException>();
foreach (ValidationResult result in results)
exceptions.Add(new ValidationException(result, null, entity));
if (exceptions.Count == 1)
throw exceptions[0];
throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
The AggregateException does not inherit from the ValidationException class. Now
that the SaveChanges method can throw two different exception types, many of the auto-
mated tests written so far will fail because they only expect the ValidationException .
To make them pass, change the ExpectedValidationExceptionAttribute to support
both types of validation exceptions. You can find the updated implementation of this
attribute in the source code accompanying this topic.
Extending DynamicValidator to Support AggregateException
As discussed in Chapter 3 and Chapter 6, Dynamic Data relies on the DynamicValidator
control for exception handling. When used in a field template, this control is responsible
for evaluating the validation attributes applied to the entity property the template
instance represents. In field and page templates, this control also handles any exceptions
Entity Framework may throw. Here is the part of this class that implements exception
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