Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The MemberNames property of the ValidationResult contains the names of the property or
properties that have invalid values. It is initialized by the second argument of the
ValidationResult constructor. The member names are used by the DynamicValidator
controls in Dynamic Data web application to determine if their associated column is valid.
This helps to report validation errors coming from custom validation code consistently
with the errors coming from the validation attributes applied declaratively. You can also
avoid hard-coding the property name here and rely on the MemberName property of the
ValidationContext object, which has the name of the property being validated,
OrderDate in this example.
Following is a test you can use to verify the initial implementation of the ValidateOrderDate
validation method. Notice how it tries to create an order with a date that was five days
ago. The error is detected by the ValidateOrderDate method, and a ValidationException
is thrown by the SaveChanges method:
[ExpectedValidationException(MemberName = “OrderDate” )]
public void OrderDate_CannotBeInThePast()
using (new TransactionScope())
using (var context = new NorthwindEntities())
var order = CreateOrder();
order.OrderDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5);
Handling Null Values
When creating validation methods for nullable properties, check to see if the value is null
before performing additional checks. If null values are valid according to your business
rules, the method must return ValidationResult.Success . Otherwise, you need to decide
if you want to rely on the RequiredAttribute or implement this logic in the custom vali-
dation method itself. Relying on the RequiredAttribute , as in the previous example,
makes the CustomValidationAttribute behave consistently with the declarative validation
Placing the entire validation logic for a given property in a single validation method is
typically more verbose; however, it might be easier to follow, especially as the validation
rules get more and more complicated. Here is how you could rewrite this custom valida-
tion method to verify that the OrderDate is not in the past and that it is not null , making
a separate RequiredAttribute unnecessary:
public static ValidationResult ValidateOrderDate(
DateTime? orderDate, ValidationContext context)
if (orderDate == null)
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