Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Property Definition
A .NET property is defined by its name, type, and accessibility of its getter and setter.
public string Name { get; }
The Name property of the MetaColumn class returns the name of the entity property. It is a
raw, internal string that can be used to identify the column but might not be appropriate
for display to end users.
public Type ColumnType { get; }
public TypeCode TypeCode { get; }
The ColumnType property returns a Type object that represents the .NET type of the
entity property. For the ProductName property of the Product entity, this would be a
typeof(string) . The TypeCode property, on the other hand, returns one of the
members of the TypeCode enumeration, and for the ProductName column, this would
be TypeCode.String .
public bool IsBinaryData { get; }
public bool IsFloatingPoint { get; }
public bool IsInteger { get; }
public bool IsLongString { get; }
public bool IsString { get; }
A set of convenience properties is also available to determine a higher-level group of the
property's data types. For example, the IsFloatingPoint property returns true for Float ,
Double, and Decimal columns; the IsInteger property works similarly for Byte , Int16 ,
Int32 , and Int64 columns. The IsLongString property returns true if the MaxLength of
the string exceeds one billion characters ( 1,073,741,819 to be exact). In practical terms,
this means memo columns, TEXT and NTEXT in Microsoft SQL Server, and determines
whether a MultilineText field template will be used for this column by default.
public int MaxLength { get; }
For binary and string columns, the MaxLength property returns the maximum length
allowed for the column values in the data model. For example, the ProductName column
of the Products table is limited to 40 characters, and the MaxLength property would return
40 by default.
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
partial class Product
public class Metadata
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