Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Scaffolding Support
Several properties of the MetaModel class are not related to metadata, but instead provide
support for dynamic scaffolding of the different template types used by Dynamic Data
public IFieldTemplateFactory FieldTemplateFactory { get; set; }
public EntityTemplateFactory EntityTemplateFactory { get; set; }
public FilterFactory FilterFactory { get; set; }
The FieldTemplateFactory property gets or sets an object responsible for creating field
templates. The EntityTemplateFactory is responsible for creating entity templates, and
the FilterFactory is responsible for filter templates. All three of these properties are
writeable, allowing you to replace the built-in factories when stock functionality is insuffi-
One particular example of when such a replacement would be beneficial is the limitation
of the built-in filter factory, which supports only Boolean, ForeignKey, and Enumeration
filters. However, this topic deserves a lot of attention and will be revisited in Chapter 13.
public string DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath { get; set; }
The DynamicDataFolderVirtualPath property determines where the template factories
look for templates. By default, this property is set to “~/DynamicData” but can be changed
to a different location if needed.
The MetaTable Class
The main purpose of the MetaTable class is to help page templates generate user interface
for different entities in the data model. A single MetaTable instance describes an entire
entity class, including its type, properties, attributes, presentation, data access logic, and
security permissions.
Entity Definition
Each table in the model is identified by a name, which you can access using the Name
property of the MetaTable class:
public string Name { get; }
Table name usually matches the name of the object context property you would normally
use to query the data. In the NorthwindEntities context class, you use the Products prop-
erty to retrieve instances of the Product entity class from the Products database table. The
MetaTable instance describing the Product entity would have the name Products , the
same as the name of the NorthwindEntities property.
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