Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Dynamic Data application would require a lot of tedious coding, cause errors, and signifi-
cantly reduce developer productivity.
The sheer size of the Metadata API (look at the number of properties in the MetaTable and
MetaColumn classes) can be overwhelming at first. Sections in this chapter call out when a
particular component of the Metadata API fits into one of the broad categories just discussed.
Of course, trying to shoehorn a complex API into a simple classification does not work in all
cases, but hopefully it will help you understand it as you are reading this chapter.
Metadata Explorer
The sample solution accompanying this topic includes a simple metadata explorer that
allows you to examine the metadata using web browser. Its source code is located in the
MetaDataExplorer folder of the Dynamic Data web application and includes interactive
pages representing the MetaModel , MetaTable , and MetaColumn classes. You can access the
metadata explorer from any dynamically generated page, such as the Products/List.aspx ,
by clicking the Explore Metadata link at the top of the page.
Due to the nature of the subject, discussion of the metadata API can get very abstract. You
might find it helpful to have the metadata explorer running on your computer as you are
reading this chapter to help you visualize the objects and their relationships. This tool is
also helpful when you need to change the data model using Entity Designer or by apply-
ing data annotation attributes and see the effect these changes have on the metadata
provided by Dynamic Data. Figure 7.2 shows a page describing a MetaTable object for the
Product entity generated by the metadata explorer.
FIGURE 7.2 Metadata explorer.
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