Databases Reference
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he clicks the Update link on the Edit page and the modified entity has been successfully
saved in the database. The FormView_ItemCommand event handler also redirects the user to
the List page, but in response to him clicking the page's Cancel link.
List Page Template
The List page template generates web pages that display a list of entities and allow searching
and sorting the list by individual columns. Figure 6.4 shows an example of such a page
generated for the Products table. At the top of the page, a dynamically generated set of filter
controls is displayed for all properties of the entity type for which Dynamic Data has appro-
priate filter templates. The list of entities occupies the main part of the page. Changing any
of the filter controls automatically refreshes the list of entries. The grid columns can be
sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking their headers; a set of action links for
editing, deleting, or displaying details of individual entity instances is displayed in the left-
most column for each row. At the bottom of the grid, there are controls for navigating
between pages and changing the number of rows displayed per page.
FIGURE 6.4 Web page generated by the List page template.
The Edit and Details links point to the dynamic Edit and Details pages discussed earlier.
Examples of these pages can be found in Figures 6.3 and 6.2, respectively. The foreign key
navigation properties, such as the Category and Supplier, are also displayed in the form of
hyperlinks that, when clicked, take users to the corresponding Details pages. One-to-
many navigation properties, such as the Order Items, take users to the List page of the
target entity where the search criteria has been prepopulated to display only the child
entities of the parent entity clicked. For example, when a user clicks View Order Items of
the product with the name Chai, an Order Items list page is displayed with the Product
filter control preset to Chai, as shown in Figure 6.5.
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