Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
DynamicDataRoute during the application startup. Here is an example of the route registra-
tion code you normally find in the Global.asax :
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new DynamicDataRoute(“{table}/{action}.aspx”));
The static Routes property of the RouteTable class provides access to the global collection
of Route objects. This code uses it to register a new DynamicDataRoute that defines a URL
as a combination of a table name and a page action. The {table} marker defines the place
where you expect to find a table name in the URL, and the {action} marks the place
where you expect to find the page action. If an incoming request has a URL in this
format, the default MetaModel of the web application contains a table with the matching
name, and a page template exists matching the action, Dynamic Data uses this page
template to handle the request. In the following URL, Products matches the table parame-
ter, and List matches the action:
Details Page Template
The Details page template generates web pages that display a single entity instance in a
form view. Figure 6.2 shows an example of such page generated for the Product entity.
Notice the URL in the address bar of the web browser; it includes the name of the table
(Products) and a query string that specifies value of the entity's primary key (ProductID ) .
The Details page template uses this information to retrieve the appropriate entity instance
from the database.
FIGURE 6.2 Web page generated by the Details page template.
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