Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The ForeignKey.ascx is used for foreign key columns in Read-only mode. It contains a
HyperLink control that displays the field value of the “display” column of the parent table.
You can specify the display column explicitly by applying the DisplayColumnAttribute to
the parent entity class, or it can be selected automatically based on the Dynamic Data
heuristics. Users can click the link generated by the control to navigate to the List.aspx
page of the parent table.
The ForeignKey_Edit.ascx field template is used for foreign key columns in Edit and
Insert modes. It contains a DropDownList control that displays all rows from the parent
table. The display column of the parent table determines the Text of each ListItem , and
its primary key columns determine its Value .
The Integer_Edit.ascx field template is used for Byte , Int16 , Int32 , and Int64 columns in
Edit and Insert modes. It contains a TextBox control, accompanied by a CompareValidator ,
which is used to ensure that values entered in the TextBox are valid numbers. It also
contains a RequiredFieldValidator , used to enforce values for columns marked with the
RequiredAttribute; a RangeValidator , used to enforce range of values for columns
marked with the RangeAttribute ; a RegularExpressionValidator , used to enforce regular
expression patterns for columns marked with the RegularExpressionAttribute ; and a
DynamicValidator , used to enforce all other validation attributes applied to the column.
The ManyToMany.ascx field template is used for children columns in a many-to-many rela-
tionship, such as the Employees column of the Territory entity in the Northwind sample
database. This template contains a Repeater control that generates a DynamicHyperLink for
every child entity. On the actual page, this looks like a list of hyperlinks that the user can
click to navigate to the Details.aspx page of a particular child entity.
Many-to-many relationships are natively supported in Entity Framework but not in LINQ
to SQL. Therefore, only the Entity Framework flavors of the Dynamic Data project
templates in Visual Studio include the ManyToMany field template. Unlike other field
templates, which work equally well with both data access frameworks, the ManyToMany
field template uses Entity Framework APIs directly.
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