Databases Reference
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The DateTime.ascx field template is used in Read-only mode to display DateTime field
values. This field template contains a Literal control that injects the field value directly
into the web page without any adorning HTML elements. This template is nearly identical
to the Text.ascx template described in the following sections and could be removed,
making Text.ascx responsible for displaying DateTime field values in Read-only mode
as well.
The DateTime_Edit.ascx field template is used for DateTime columns in Edit and
Insert mode. It contains a TextBox control, accompanied by a CustomValidator , used
to make sure that the value entered in the TextBox is a valid DateTime . It also contains
a RequiredFieldValidator , used to enforce values for columns marked with the
RequiredAttribute , a RegularExpressionValidator , used to enforce regular expression
patterns for columns marked with the RegularExpressionAttribute and a
DynamicValidator , used to enforce all other validation attributes applied to this column.
The Decimal_Edit.ascx field template is used for Decimal , Float , and Double columns in
Edit and Insert mode. It contains a TextBox control, accompanied by a CompareValidator ,
used to ensure that values entered in the TextBox are valid numbers. It also contains a
RequiredFieldValidator , used to enforce values for columns marked with the
RequiredAttribute ; a RangeValidator , used to enforce range of values for columns
marked with the RangeAttribute ; a RegularExpressionValidator , used to enforce regular
expression patterns for columns marked with the RegularExpressionAttribute ; and a
DynamicValidator , used to enforce all other validation attributes applied to this column.
The EmailAddress.ascx field template is a read-only template used for String columns
marked with the DataType(DataType.EmailAddress) attribute. It includes a HyperLink
control that displays the field value as a link with the URL scheme “mailto:” . When the
user clicks this link, most web browsers launch the default e-mail client installed on the
computer and create a new message with the field value automatically added in the “To”
The Enumeration.ascx field template is used for enumeration columns in Read-only
mode. It contains a Literal control that displays the underlying integral field value
converted to its equivalent enumerated value and then converted to a String .
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