Geoscience Reference
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levels in the atmosphere) of sea-level rise for centuries to
come and the implication for the delicate balance between
deltaic aggradation and increasing marine inundation in
sabkhas, the effects on groundwater and lakes in arid re-
gions and changes to salinity.
Goudie (2006) has remarked that 'geomorphologists
have yet to devote to this theme [climate change] the
same amount of attention that has been expended by, for
example, life scientists and hydrologists. Remarkably few
scenarios for future geomorphological changes have been
developed. This is a major research priority'. Given that
the discipline is generally well practised in interpreting
the effects of climate change on landscapes, it could be
expected that geomorphologists have much to offer this
important research theme. Elements of the problem of in-
terpreting the impact of projected climate change on ge-
omorphological processes, in arid regions and elsewhere,
are likely to remain intractable for at least two decades,
notably the issue of precipitation simulation in climate
models. The opportunity, urgent as it is, therefore remains
for geomorphologists to develop the tools to quantify the
behaviour of arid zone processes. Until this occurs, pro-
jections will remain largely conjecture and qualitative,
with the exception of the types of examples provided in
this chapter, which at the very least provide hypotheses of
the nature and rates of change that can be evaluated and
enhanced as new data appear.
De Wit, M. and Stankiewicz, J. (2006) Changes in surface water
supply across Africa with predicted climate change. Science ,
311 , 1917-1921.
Ellis, A.W. Hawkins, T.W., Balling R.C. and Gober, P. (2008)
Estimating future runoff levels for a semi-arid fluvial system
in central Arizona, USA. Climate Research , 35 , 227-239.
Goudie, A.S. (2006) Global warming and fluvial geomorphol-
ogy. Geomorphology , 79 , 384-394.
Herman, J. R., Bhartia, P.K., Torres, O. et al. (1997) Global
distribution of UV-absorbing aerosols from Nimbus7/TOMS
data. Journal of Geophysical Research , 102 (D14), 16,911-
16,922, DOI: 10.1029/96JD03680.
Hoerling, M., Hurrell, J., Eischeid, J. and Phillips, A. (2006)
Detection and attribution of twentieth-century northern and
southern African rainfall change. Journal of Climate , 19 ,
Hugenholtz, C.H. and Wolfe, S.A. (2005) Biogeomorphic model
of dunefield activation and stabilization on the northern Great
Plains. Geomorphology , 70 , 53-70.
Koren, I. and Kaufman. Y.J. (2004) Direct wind measure-
ments of Saharan dust events from Terra and Aqua satel-
Letters ,
31 ,
Lancaster, N. (1988) Development of linear dunes in the south-
western Kalahari, southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environ-
ments , 14 , 233-244.
Mahowald, N.M. and Luo, C. (2003) A less dusty future? Geo-
physical Research Letters , 30 , 1903.
Mahowald, N.M., Muhs, D.R., Levis, S. et al. (2006) Change
in atmospheric mineral aerosols in response to climate: last
glacial period, preindustrial, modern, and doubled carbon
dioxide climates. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmo-
spheres , 111 (D10), 10202.
Meehl, G.A., Stocker, T.F., Collins, W.D. et al. (2007) Global
climate projections, in Climate Change 2007: The Physical
Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
mate Change (eds S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning et al. ),
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
and New York, USA.
Morcrette, J.-J., Jones, L., Kaiser, J. et al. (2007) Toward a
forecast of aerosols with the ECMWF Integrated Forecast
System. ECMWF Newsletter , 114 , 15-17.
Nickovic, S., Kallos, G., Papadopoulos, A. and Kakaliagou, O.
(2001) A model for prediction of desert dust cycle in the
atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research , 106 (D16),
18,113-18,130, DOI: 10.1029/2000JD900794.
Perez, C., Nickovic, S., Baldasano, J.M. et al. (2006) A long
Saharan dust event over the western Mediterranean: Li-
dar, Sun photometer observations, and regional dust mod-
eling. Journal of Geophysical Research , 111 , D15214, DOI:
Prospero, J.M., Ginoux, P., Torres, O. et al. (2002) Environmen-
tal characterization of global sources of atmospheric soil dust
identified with the Nimbus 7 total ozone mapping spectrom-
eter (TOMS) absorbing aerosol product. Reviews of Geo-
Alexander, L.V., Zhang, X., Peterson, T.C. et al. (2006) Global
observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature
and precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research , 111 ,
D05109, DOI: 10.1029/2005JD006290.
Betts, R., Sanderson, M. and Woodward, S. (2008) Effects of
large-scale Amazon forest degradation on climate and air
quality through fluxes of carbon dioxide, water, energy, min-
eral dust and isoprene. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society - Biological Sciences , 363 , 1873-1880.
Bullard, J., Baddock, M., McTainsh, G. and Leys, J. (2008)
Sub-basin scale dust source geomorphology detected using
MODIS. Geophysical Research Letters , 35 , L15404.
Cakmur, R.V., Miller, R.L., Perlwitz, J. et al. (2006) Constrain-
ing the magnitude of the global dust cycle by minimizing
the difference between a model and observations. Journal of
Geophysical Research - Atmospheres , 111 (D6), D06207.
Christopher, S.A. and Jones, T.A. (2010) Satellite and surface-
based remote sensing of Saharan dust aerosols. Remote Sens-
ing of the Environment , 114 , 1002-1007.
Cook, K.H. and Vizy, E.K. (2006) Coupled model simulations
of the west African monsoon system: twentieth- and twenty-
first-century simulations. Journal of Climate , 19 , 3681-
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