Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
u *
z 0
z 0
Height above surface Log z
Height above surface Log z
Figure 18.2 Semi-logarithmic velocity profiles showing a focus at height z 0 , the aerodynamic roughness. The aerodynamic
roughness in (a) is less than that in (b); hence shear velocities ( u ) in (b) are greater. See text for details.
proportional to the velocity profile gradient (Figure 18.2)
and is related to the actual surface shear stress (
otherwise known as the 'law-of-the-wall':
τ 0 )bythe
ln ( z
d )
following expression:
z 0
u =
τ 0
κ =
von Karman's constant (
In Figure 18.2(a) the semi-logarithmic turbulent velocity
profile does not reach the surface. This is because very
close to the surface the wind velocity is zero. The height
of this zero-velocity region is termed the aerodynamic
roughness length ( z 0 ) and it is an important parameter for
it is a function of the surface roughness, it has an im-
pact on surface erodibility and it partly controls the gra-
dient of the velocity profile and hence u . For example,
over a rougher surface (Figure 18.2(b)), the aerodynamic
roughnesss ( z 0 ) is larger, and with all other parameters
remaining constant, the velocity profile gradient becomes
steeper. Hence, shear velocities ( u ) increase and, conse-
quent upon this, sediment transport would be likely to rise.
Another way in which shear velocity ( u ) might increase
is by a rise in the overall environmental wind velocity, as
shown in Figure 18.2(a). Note in Figure 18.2 that height
is the independent variable and is therefore plotted on the
x axis of the graph. This is important when calculating
shear velocities using a least squares regression technique
(as described below).
The relationship between aerodynamic roughness ( z 0 ),
shear velocity ( u ) and wind velocity ( u ) at a height ( z )are
zero-plane displacement
The zero-plane displacement ( d ) is a measure of the ver-
tical displacement of z 0 on surfaces with large surface
roughnesses (e.g. long grass or bushes). It can largely be
ignored on smooth and unvegetated desert surfaces.
18.2.2 Measuring shear velocity (u )
and wind stress
Shear velocity ( u ) is commonly determined from least
squares regression analysis of time-averaged veloc-
ity measurements at several known heights. Wilkinson
(1983/1984) reports that at least five velocity data points
are required to determine u and z 0 with any statistical
significance and so equipment arrays such as that shown
in Figure 18.3 are typically erected. When plotted in the
manner of Figure 18.2, u can be determined from the
slope component of the regression equation by
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