Geoscience Reference
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Figure 14.12 Examples of analyses of regression residuals: (a) Murcia fan groups: influence of tectonic context (after Silva
et al ., 1992); (b) Cabo de Gata fans: influence of fan setting and base-level conditions (after Harvey et al ., 1999). Solid symbols
relate to fans subject to base-level induced dissection; A,C,D relate to the mean plotting positions for the three groups of fans.
(c) Musandam debris cones (after Al Farraj and Harvey, 2005): residuals from the 'all-fans' regressions of fan area and gradient on
drainage area. The various groups differ in geology and basin relief characteristics.
influence is not always obvious and sometimes can be
seen as a matter of scale. Three examples can be used to
illustrate this. Large beheaded fans exist on the Jordanian
side of the Dead Sea rift (Enzel, personal communication).
trol, but their beheading reflects active tectonic movement
along the main strike-slip fault.
The Sierra de Carrascoy, Murcia, southeast Spain, is
flanked on both northern and southern margins by alluvial
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