Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
1616 aa
PCNA-binding domain
Poly-KG linker
Replication foci-targeting domain
912 aa
853 aa
386 aa
PWWP domain
CXXC domain
Bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domain
Cys-rich ADD domain
1620 aa
908 aa
859 aa
Catalytic domain
421 aa
TET1 h
2136 aa
TET2 h
2002 aa
CXXC domain
Cys-rich domain
1660 aa
TET3 h
Double-stranded b -helix (DSBH) 2OG-Fe(II)-
dependent dioxygenase domain
2039 aa
TET1 m
Fe(II) binding
2-Oxoglutarate binding
1912 aa
TET2 m
TET3 m
1668 aa
Figure 2.2 Structure of mammalian DNMT and TET enzymes. (A) DNMTs share a
C-terminal catalytic domain, except DNMT3L which does not contain a functional cat-
alytic domain. The N-terminal part of DNMT1 contains interaction domains with PCNA,
replication foci, and unmethylated DNA (CXXC domain). DNMT1 also contains two BAH
domains. DNMT3A and DNMT3B comprise a PWWP domain recognizing H3K36me3 and
an ADD domain mediating interaction with histone H3 unmethylated at H3K4. (B) TET
proteins contain in their C terminus a cysteine-rich domain adjacent to a DSBH domain
typical of 2-oxoglutarate-Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenases. TET1 and TET3 also contain a
CXXC domain. The size of the proteins is indicated by the number of amino acids (aa).
replication during S phase and is preferentially active on hemimethylated
CpGs generated after replication ( Arand et al., 2012; Leonhardt, Page,
Weier, & Bestor, 1992 ). In mice, the absence of DNMT1 leads to global
genome hypomethylation, increase of hemimethylated CpG sites, failure
to maintain methylation imprints, and early embryonic death ( Arand
et al., 2012; Hirasawa et al., 2008; Kurihara et al., 2008; Lei et al., 1996 ).
DNMT1 works as part of a complex as it contains a PCNA-binding domain
and also interacts with UHRF1 (also known as NP95), a factor that binds
hemimethylated CpGs and is required to recruit DNMT1 at sites of hem-
imethylation ( Bostick et al., 2007; Sharif et al., 2007 ). TheN-terminal part of
the protein contains two bromo-adjacent homology domains (BAH1 and
BAH2), as well as a CXXC-type zinc-finger domain also found in other
chromatin regulators such as MLL, CFP1, MBD1, KDM2A/B, and TET1
( Fig. 2.2 A). Similar to MLL, CFP1, or MBD1, the DNMT1 CXXC domain
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