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heterochromatin formation ( Luff, Pawlowski, & Bender, 1999 ). These
repeats serve as template for the production of noncoding RNA (ncRNA)
from both DNA strands, which is often associated with the generation of
dsRNA. Although heterochromatin is a silent chromatin structure that
blocks transcription, RNA Pol II transcribes these repeats in an exquisitely
regulated temporal fashion at particular stages of the cell cycle ( Chen et al.,
2008; Kloc et al., 2008 ). Therefore, there seems to be an important and
conserved role for both ncRNA and RNAi in this context ( Matzke &
Birchler, 2005 ).
The RNAi machinery was originally defined as a regulator of posttran-
scriptional silencing ( Muller et al., 2002 ), but it is now clear that the RNAi
machinery also alters chromatin structure and effects silencing at the tran-
scriptional level. Most importantly, RNAi is central for initiating hetero-
chromatin assembly not only at repetitive DNA in the centromeres and
mating-type loci of fission yeast but also at retrotransposons in the Arabidopsis
germ line ( Grewal & Elgin, 2007 ). In fission yeast, siRNAs derived from
heterochromatic repeats are present within the cell and are loaded into
the RNA-induced transcriptional silencing (RITS) complex, which is
composed of Ago1, Tas3, and the chromodomain-containing protein
Chp1( Verdel et al., 2004 ). RITS is thought to bind to heterochromatic
ncRNA using siRNA as a guiding molecule. It further participates in
“amplifying” the response since it recruits the RNA-dependent RNA poly-
merase complex (RDRC), which consists of Rdp1, a poly(A) polymerase
(Cid12), and a putative helicase (Hrr1), most likely via physical interactions
( Verdel et al., 2004 ). The RDRC enhances the generation of siRNA by
synthesizing dsRNAs from centromeric transcripts as substrates for Dcr1
( Colmenares, Buker, Buhler, Dlakic, & Moazed, 2007; Sugiyama, Cam,
Verdel, Moazed, & Grewal, 2005 ). RITS also recruits Clr4 through the
LIM domain protein, Stc1, such that the heterochromatin spreads onto the
dg and dh repeats ( Zhang, Mosch, Fischle, & Grewal, 2008 ). Stc1 associates
with RITS on centromeric transcripts and recruits the Clr4-containing
complex (CLRC), thereby coupling RNAi to chromatin modification
( Bayne et al., 2010 ). Methylation of H3K9me3 is also recognized by
Swi6/HP1, which further reinforces the silencing environment by mediat-
ing targeting of HDACs and is also responsible of recruiting the JmjC
domain-containing antisilencing factor Epe1 that facilitates the transcription
of heterochromatic repeats (see below) ( Zofall & Grewal, 2006 ).
In the RNAi-mediated heterochromatin assembly system, siRNA
generation and heterochromatin formation are interdependent, forming a
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