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catalyzes both H3K9 and H3K27 methylation and is required for the forma-
tion of constitutive heterochromatin ( Liu et al., 2007 ). Another example of
PRC2-dependent heterochromatin formation comes from the green alga
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , where the H3K27 methylation activity is needed
for the silencing of repetitive sequences ( Shaver et al., 2010 ).
During evolution and as a result ofmultiple genome duplication events, the
two pathways diverged and were attributed with specific functions in mul-
ticellular organisms. Below, we will describe themost important developmen-
tal roles of these two pathways and how they contribute to gene regulation.
The seminal discovery of enzymes mediating H3K9 methylation on
pericentric heterochromatin (PCH; Rea et al., 2000 ) and thereby generating
a binding site for HP1 ( Lachner, O'Carroll, Rea, Mechtler, & Jenuwein,
2001 ) emphasizes the role of this pathway in regulation of heterochromatin
structure ( Cheutin et al., 2003 ). The discovery of the Suv39h enzymes was
soon followed by the identification of other H3K9-methylating enzymes
(H3K9 KMT) (see Table 8.1 ) catalyzing different degrees of methylation
and regulating repression of different classes of sequences ( Krauss, 2008 ).
The concept of division of labor applies also to HP1, as most eukaryotes
express different isoforms of HP1 that differ in their nuclear localization
( Zeng, Ball, & Yokomori, 2010 ) and serve partially redundant as well as
isoform-specific functions ( Rosnoblet, Vandamme, V ¨ lkel, & Angrand,
2011 ). For example, these proteins have been implicated in maintenance
of heterochromatin, chromosome segregation, transcriptional silencing/
activation ( Kwon & Workman, 2011; Schotta, Ebert, & Reuter, 2003 ),
DNA replication ( Hayashi, Takahashi, Nakagawa, Nakayama, &
Masukata, 2009; Schwaiger, Kohler, Oakeley, Stadler, & Sch¨beler,
2010 ), and the DNA damage response ( Dinant & Luijsterburg, 2009 ).
2.1. Developmental role through regulation of gene
2.1.1 Su(var)
With their pleiotropic roles in diverse biological pathways, H3K9-
modifying enzymes and HP1 proteins are of particular interest for embry-
onic development. Functional studies in several organisms revealed that with
the exception of the Suv39h1 and Suv39h2 ( Suv39h1/2 ) enzymes, removal
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