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( Borgel et al., 2010; Guibert, Forne, & Weber, 2012 ). Although Dazl , Mvh ,
and Sycp3 appear not to be required during PGC development in the mouse,
they play an essential role in later germ cells. Dazl is required for gametogen-
esis in both males and females ( Ruggiu et al., 1997 ), whereas Mvh and Sycp3
play a critical role in spermatogenesis ( Tanaka et al., 2000; Yuan et al., 2000 )
In the rat, Mvh expression is detected in migrating PGCs prior to their col-
onization of the genital ridges, while GCNA and SSEA-1, PGC markers in
the mouse, are not detected in rat PGCs ( Encinas et al., 2012 ). Thus, even
between rodents there appear to be some differences in the expression profile
of classic late PGC marker genes. As previously discussed, SSEA-1 and c-Kit
are detected in human PGCs although the onset and duration of their expres-
sion has not been rigorously determined. DAZL, VASA, and SYCP3 are
expressed in human gonadal germ cells ( Anderson, Fulton, Cowan, Coutts,
& Saunders, 2007; Castrillon, Quade, Wang, Quigley, & Crum, 2000; Liu
et al., 2007 ). Similar to rats, VASA is detectable in human migratory PGCs
at the gut and mesenteric root ( Castrillon et al., 2000 ). Interestingly, the
CpG islands associated with Dazl and Vasa in the mouse appear to be con-
served in humans, and they remain hypomethylated in sperm but not other
somatic tissues ( Chai, Phillips, Fernandez, & Yen, 1997; Sugimoto et al.,
2009 ). Whether regulation of germline-specific genes by promoter methyla-
tion is a general feature in humans remains to be elucidated.
A summary of the expression of a range of PGC marker genes is pres-
ented in Table 5.1 . We hope that in the coming years this will be completed
and expanded upon. A more detailed analysis of the expression of germ-cell
marker genes in a range of mammals, including human, would greatly
enhance our understanding of the most conserved, and therefore perhaps
most critical, progressions in gene expression during mammalian PGC
Epigenetic reprogramming is a key feature of PGC development. Per-
haps most notably, this allows erasure of the DNA methylation marks asso-
ciated with imprinted genes, allowing establishment of sex-specific imprints
during gametogenesis. There is also extensive reprogramming of histone
modifications both prior to and during imprint erasure. These chroma-
tin changes may be necessary to facilitate DNA demethylation but may
have other functions such as the erasure of “somatic” epigenetic marks
established during postimplantation development, to allow X-chromosome
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