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PSC subunit, yet binding to the nucleosomes is independent of the histone
N-terminal tails. In a cell line based in vivo system, the PRC1 subunit
RING1B was essential for full compaction of mammalian Hox clusters, as
seen by fluorescent microscopy ( Eskeland et al., 2010 ). Intriguingly, how-
ever, this compaction is independent from the H2AK199 ubiquitin ligase
activity of RING1B, suggesting that the latter subunit has a dual function.
Chromatin compaction directly influences silencing, since the absence of
RING1B leads to the derepression of both the Drosophila Ubx and mamma-
lian Hox genes ( Eskeland et al., 2010; Wang, Wang, et al., 2004 ).
On the other hand, a direct role for Trithorax complexes in chromatin
decompaction has not been reported. The collinear activation of Hox genes
coincides with the transcription of many large noncoding RNAs though,
which may indirectly induce chromatin decompaction (reviewed in
Hekimoglu & Ringrose, 2009 ). When Drosophila Hox genes are active,
the surrounding chromatin, including the PREs, is transcribed following
a similar collinear pattern ( Bae, Calhoun, Levine, Lewis, & Drewell,
2002; Sanchez-Herrero &Akam, 1989 ). Also, when enforced, the transcrip-
tion through PREs can derepress target genes and thus interfere with
Polycomb-mediated silencing ( Bender & Fitzgerald, 2002; Hogga &
Karch, 2002; Rank, Prestel, & Paro, 2002 ). The production of noncoding
RNAs may thus provide Drosophila Trithorax complexes an indirect means
of antagonizing chromatin compaction. In mammals, many noncoding
RNAs are located within Hox clusters and their activities coincide with
the transcriptional state of the surrounding chromatin ( Rinn et al., 2007;
Sessa et al., 2007 ), like any promoter artificially introduced at the vicinity
of Hox genes (see e.g., Herault, Kmita, Sawaya, & Duboule, 2002 ). While
the transcription of surrounding chromatin in mammalian Hox cluster may
thus serve a similar decompacting function, functional evidences are still
The dynamics of chromatin compaction accompanying Hox gene collin-
earity has been extensively studied using fluorescentmicroscopy ( Chambeyron
& Bickmore, 2004; Chambeyron, Da Silva, Lawson, & Bickmore, 2005;
Eskeland et al., 2010; Morey, Da Silva, Perry, & Bickmore, 2007 ). Various
states of chromatin compaction can be visualized using differentially labeled
probes located on the 5 0 and 3 0 ends of murine Hox clusters. In cells where
the clusters are inactive, the inter-probes distance within the HoxB and HoxD
clusters is minimal, indicating compacted states. In in vitro differentiated ES
cells, as well as in E9.5 embryonic cells, where 3 0 located Hox genes are active,
the inter-probes distances are significantly increased. Therefore, partially
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