Chemistry Reference
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(E bond [kcal/mol] ) X bond [
A ]
e B
32 π
ς e =
3 . 27817
10 3
0 . 0257618
ς m ς v ×
10 15 [ s ] SI
t B =
E bond =
1 . 51787
E bond [kcal/mol] ×
10 14 [s] SI
t bond =
These bondonic analysis is performed on a representative set of ionic liquids with
results displayed in Table 13.1 .
The bondonic IR-Raman identifications of Table 13.1 are discussed and interpre-
ted as following:
The quantum level indices for all IL-bondons are given invariable in number of
four, as a natural consequence of Eq. (13.12), by which always only one is of posi-
tive nature, for which also the observed quantum level was identifies, in each case,
according with the above bondonic Raman-IR algorithm; however, one can natu-
rally ask “what meaning have the other three bondonic levels?”. Fortunately the
answer can be given in the light of entangled chemistry opened by bondonic chem-
istry, see Chapter 10 of the present monograph (Putz and Ori 2015 , see Chap. 10
of this monograph), by which each chemical bonding is predicted in “quater-
nion states”, so leaving with the answer that the remaining quantum levels with
negative quantum indices are in the hidden or entangled spectra of IL-bondons;
they nevertheless should be identified by special spectroscopically procedures,
eventually involving teleporting information and protocols, not yet available, de-
spite being just started to be imagined (Putz and Ori 2015 , see Chap. 10 of this
The bondonic prediction/identification in IL-spectra falls as being of IR type (IL
nos. 1, 6, 9, and 10 in Table 13.1 —being the last case pushed to overtones,
almost Raman) and of Raman type (for the rest of ILs of Table 13.1 ), according
with the presented bondonic Raman-IR algorithm; one also may remark that
the Raman-bondon generally associates with the no-ring or partially cation ring
electronic HOMO occupancy/delocalization, as complementary to IR-bondon
which is merely distributed on LUMO ring levels, and vice-versa, respectively. In
particular the bondon of Il no.1 (the so called BMPyBF4) was checked with the
experimental counterpart identification in the Fig. 13.4 , with a reliable rationale
as corresponding with 0.5 [%] of IR absorption since belonging to LUMO state.
On the other side, the bondonic specific features for the concerned IL of Table 13.1
are listed as:
The bondonic mass, although less than that of electron in al case, is not so small as
compared with other “classical” carbon systems (Putz et al. 2015a , see Chap. 11
of this monograph) or polymeric ribbons, e.g. silanes as precursors of silicenes
(Putz et al. 2015b , see Chap. 12 of this monograph); since mass information is
a main information for the bondons, it already qualifies the modeling chemical
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