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HT hierarchy of aromaticity according to the
π values of Table 11.10 (ninth column),
for calibrated Hückel-DFT [-
] integral:
π HT
π HT
DFT ( A 04) >
DFT (A05)
π HT
π HT
DFT (A09) >
DFT (A02)
π HT
π HT
DFT (A03) >
DFT (A07)
π HT
π HT
DFT (A08) >
DFT (A11)
π HT
π HT
DFT (A10) >
DFT (A12)
π HT
DFT ( A 01)
π HT
DFT ( A 06)
The principal points which arise from the aromaticity scale are:
￿ There is an agreement between the DFT and Hückel chemical hardness
scales, (except for the case of the displacement and the inversion of
the 4-N, N'-dimethylaminoaniline/A06 and monochlorohydrate of 4-N, N'-
dimethylaminoaniline/A01 in the HT scheme), and also with the aromatic-
ity/stability/reactivity scale for the molecules of interest, using experimental or
other presented theoretical methods;
￿ Unlike the DFT counterpart scale of aromaticity, the mixed DFT-Hückel chemical
hardness scale of aromaticity further inverts and departs the two forms of Naphtol
(A04 & A05) and the Pyridine & Pyrimidine (A10 & A11) pairs considered;
￿ The inversion of the Phenol/A09 and Naphtalene/A07 with Benzene/A12 struc-
tural inertia in reactivity (aka aromaticity), as an effect of the delocalization energy
per pi electrons is present in both realizations as HT and HT-DFT scales;
￿ Only the A Phenol > A Aniline ordering is appearing to be the only invariant across
above aromaticity.
Overall, the chemical hardness although custom to be considered a versatile tool
in assessing reactivity and aromaticity, conceptually superior to the classical delo-
calization energy per pi electrons index, it is currently challenged by the bondonic
chemistry insight, especially regarding the bondonic mass and gravity production
that can reshape the aromaticity concept itself.; however, the DFT approach paral-
lels remarkably well with the simple Hückel quantum picture of organic molecules,
which nevertheless appears to be more “spectroscopically reach” in bondonic peaks
of information.
On Reducing Character of Mono- and Polyhydroxy Arens
Selected for their usage to obtain artificial resins, medicines and azo dyes,
hydroxyarenes has properties of both hydroxyl groups and the aromatic rings (Avram
1995 , Chap. 32). Hückel and DFT specific calculations were performed for these sys-
tems in which the conjugation between non participating electrons of oxygen of the
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