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structure designed on pristine graphenic optical lattice the previous bondonic tele-
porting scheme is generalized (Fig. 10.6 b) by k -iterations until the desired accuracy
for solving the eigen-value by phase estimation of the quantum Hamiltonian prop-
agator ( U ); actually, the Alice-Bell operation is now realized by the controlled- U
quantum gate
β zx =
( controlled
U )
( H
I )
z , x
( controlled
U )
= |
I ,
and with H corresponding to Hadamard transformation of basis X into Z (Figs. 10.2 b,
10.6 b); the general H
U 2 k operation is supplemented by the electrons-in-bondon
entangled counter-rotation ( S k ) by quantum Fourier transformation ( S k
H ) such
that the k -decimal of eigen-value phase is accurately decoded. This procedure may be
applied for genuine molecules as well as for their SMILES forms (as in Fig. 10.6 b sug-
gested), being the latter involved in chemical-biological interaction, see Fig. 10.3 a.
This way, the actual teleporting approach may provide the first hardware prototype
for a quantum computer for quantum chemistry (Lanyon et al. 2010 ) by driving the
entangled bondons from real-time (artificially) synthesized complex molecules on
graphenic optical lattice.
ENTA-QUA-CHEM-3: finally, one combines the previous two protocols (ENTA-
QUA-CHEM-1&2) aiming to deal with teleportation of bondons from a synthesized
series of molecules on entangled pristine with a Stone-Wales graphenic optical lat-
tice setup; in this case one deals with entanglement teleportation applied to mixed
graphenic states, technically corresponding to the SWAP quantum gate ( Zukowski
et al. 1993 ; Bouwmeester et al. 1997 ; Brassard et al. 2004 ) involved in controlled-U
gate and for the propagation on mixed (Werner/noisy) states (Bennett et al. 1996 ),
so executing the most general teleportation protocol to date; remarkable, since the
mixed graphenic pristine, Stone-Wales in first, second, ... neighboring states are
involved (Fig. 10.5 b), the experiment mimics also the transduction of cellular walls
or the cellular dynamics under chemical interaction (Fig. 10.5 c) being so suitable for
quantum—biological (q-EC 50 ) activity recordings for a given molecule. Thus, the
ligand-receptor kinetics maps into the entanglement experiment of Fig. 10.3 b and is
realized as following: a target molecule in a homological series is considered to be q-
EC 50 characterized; it is synthesized on an entangled graphenic optical lattice; then,
one tunes the light crystal such that the molecule to pass from the genuine (as in en-
vironmentally hazardous) state into its SMILE (LoSMoC to BraS) molecular forms
(Fig. 10.3 a) till teleporting the entangled hyper-molecular structure (with “purity 1”)
eventually obtained by superposition of all molecules in the homological series of
interest; the “emitted”/recorded/breaking bondons' signals by such procedure will
generate the fitted graph of Fig. 10.6 c; the searched q-EC 50 directly reads. The pro-
tocol is envisaged for molecules with anti-HIV activity (Duda-Seiman et al. 2006 ;
Putz and Dudas 2013a , b ) and with the inter-species toxicological potential (Chicu
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