Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 10.6 The main conceptual setups in achieving entangled quantum chemistry main objec-
tives (see text for details); a ENTA-QUA-CHEM-1: teleportation of the bondonic 5/7 SW
graphenic topological defects; b ENTA-QUA-CHEM-2: bondonic qubits' quantum phase esti-
mation aiming eigen-value computations of working aromatics synthesized on graphene driven by
optical lattice modulation; c ENTA-QUA-CHEM-3: q-EC50 determination for anti-HIV (and/or
ecotoxicological) molecules by counting the “emitted” entangled-teleporting bondons by their
SMILES-to-Hypermolecule on graphene under light crystal dressing (see the text for further details
and references)
ENTA-QUA-CHEM-1: the bondonic evidence is aimed by quantum teleportation
(Bennett et al. 1993 ) of a given bondonic state for a topological Stone-Wales state of
graphene, say
| ψ
in Fig. 10.6 a, as the second ( NN ) step in bondonic propagation of
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