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Fig. 10.4 Synopsis of the entangled quantum chemistry (ENTA-QUA-CHEM) objectives
All in all, the three main related objectives of the present proposal are resumed in
Fig. 10.4 .
Entangled Chemistry: Methodology
Again we start quoting a master of modern Chemistry, Roald Hoffmann ( 1971 ):
“Experimental trends are noted. A Theory is constructed that does not merely ratio-
nalize but makes verifiable predictions. When these predictions fail the theory can be
enriched by re-examination. Chemistry advances”. Also the present frontier project
requires in its great extend the experimental parts using two of the latest tools and
equipment: graphene nanosystems and (ultra)cold 2D optical lattices (OL) combined
in unique setups towards the ENTA-QUA-CHEM fulfilling objectives of Fig. 10.4 .
Before unfolding one-by-one the original methodology for each objective, we firstly
like motivating the use of the graphene and OL in the context of current advanced
entangled quantum chemistry project:
(a) Graphene is the thinnest (one atom thick) and the strongest known material,
made by carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice supporting (in principle) the
2D infinite extension (Novoselov et al. 2012 ), and represents the best substrate for the
low-dimensional physics (Geim and Novoselov 2007 ), there where the bosonization
of bonding electrons may acquire observable reality (see the previous section). Be-
side structural features, graphene carriers exhibit high conductibility and almost zero
effective mass for relativistic electrons at Fermi velocity of about 10 6 m/s (Novoselov
et al. 2005 ), falling just in the range of bosonic-bondons, see Table 10.1 , with mo-
bility weakly depending by temperature. Moreover, graphene metal/semiconductor
double-behavior (Neto et al. 2009 ) opens the road for electronic nano-devices di-
rectly built over the carbon honeycomb, controlling the “active” hexagonal units by
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