Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 10.1 The
representation of the
molecular orbital (MO)
picture of chemical bonding
( a ) vis-à-vis the two bosonic
( Bvs. - B ) states by associated
Feynman diagram picture of
chemical bonding interaction
( b ), respecting the physical
repelling interaction of
electrons by γ -photon ( c ) (see
the text for further details and
Entangled Chemistry: Objectives
Having the electrons participating into the chemical bond all “merged” in the
new bondon—which is a bosonic particle—induces a de-facto bosonization of
the electrons in the resulting chemical field. Qualitatively, this is depicted by the
side-by-side diagrams of Fig. 10.1 “translating” the MOs of bonding in the actual
bosonic-bondonic picture.
Quantitatively, the bosonization transforms the fermionic field ψ into the bosonic
one F exp (
bosonic field, and was introduced by the (observational) necessity to correctly
quantify the (quasi) one-dimensional systems. It roots in the breaking down of
the Fermi liquid theory for 1D-excitations of electrons with linear dispersion
(Tomonaga 1950 ) while developing into the Luttinger liquid (Mattis and Lieb 1965 ),
) with F being the Klein factor (Schönhammer 2002 ) and
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