Game Development Reference
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If you were to run this code in your debugger you would be able to set a breakpoint on the line
containing the closing brace for the function block. Your debugger should have two variables shown
in the local variables window. Figure 9-1 shows the local variable window from a Visual Studio
integrated development environment (IDE).
Figure 9-1. The counter1 this address
Figure 9-1 shows the state of the debugger when execution stops in the Print method that has been
called on the counter1 object. You can see that the address of counter1 is stored in the this pointer
and is 0x00fcfad3 . The address variable that stores the address of m_counter holds the address
0x00b6f680 . Figure 9-2 shows the same variables when Print is called on the counter2 object.
Figure 9-2. The counter2 this address
You can see in Figure 9-2 that the value stored in this has changed. The Visual Studio debugger has
helpfully displayed the value in red to show that the value has changed. Both values in Figure 9-1
are red as they were both new values that were being shown. The address of counter2 is now stored
in the this pointer and is 0x00fcfac7 . Despite the change in the object address, the address of m_
counter has stayed exactly the same and is a direct result of using the static keyword on the member
variable of the StaticCounter class. Every instance of the StaticCounter class would now use the
exact same m_counter variable and any change to this variable will be shared.
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