Game Development Reference
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cin >> player.m_name;
cout << endl << "Hello " << player.m_name << endl;
We create a new function, GivePlayerOptions , to display the different choices players currently have
available to them.
void GivePlayerOptions()
cout <<
"What would you like to do? (Enter a corresponding number)"
<< endl << endl;
cout << "1: Quit" << endl << endl;
The GetPlayerInput function reads the player's commands from the console and stores them into a
string reference.
void GetPlayerInput(string& playerInput)
cin >> playerInput;
We use an enum , PlayerOptions , to represent the choices the players can enter. For now we only
have representations of Quit and None .
enum class PlayerOptions
This function takes a reference to a string that represents a choice that could be made by the player.
The literal string "1" is used to represent the Quit option at the moment.
We use an if...else statement here to decide whether the player has entered an option that we
recognize. Strings can be compared using the compare function and will return 0 if the two strings
match. If the player's input matched "1" we set the chosenOption value to PlayerOptions::Quit , and
it is initialized to PlayerOptions::None. chosenOption is used as the return value of the function.
PlayerOptions EvaluateInput(string& playerInput)
PlayerOptions chosenOption = PlayerOptions::None;
if ("1") == 0)
cout << "You have chosen to Quit!" << endl << endl;
chosenOption = PlayerOptions::Quit;
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