Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
sum.result = 0;
cout << sum.result << endl;
return 0;
Listing 5-6 begins by defining our structure. We do this using the struct keyword. Immediately
after the keyword is the name we would like to use for our structure. This name behaves as though
we have created a new type. We can see this in the first line of _tmain where we declare the
variable sum .
Once we have a variable that is of a structure type, we can use the . operator to access its member
variables. We assign the values 3, 6, and 0 to the members of sum and then pass it by reference
to the function ReturnSum . The compiler would have made a copy of all three members if we had
passed the structure by value and therefore we would not have been able to read the proper result of
the sum from the result member.
You can use the information you have learned about functions in this chapter to modify the game we
have been writing.
Adding Functions to Text Adventure
We began our Text Adventure game in Chapter 4. At that time you didn't know that we could store
data in structures or that we could use functions to make more readable programs. In this chapter
we will create a structure for the player and create a function that will be responsible for welcoming
the player. We do both of these in Listing 5-7.
Listing 5-7. Adding the Player struct and WelcomePlayer Function to Text Adventure
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Player
string m_name;
void WelcomePlayer(Player& player)
cout << "Welcome to Text Adventure!" << endl << endl;
cout << "What is your name?" << endl << endl;
cin >> player.m_name;
cout << endl << "Hello " << player.m_name << endl;
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