Game Development Reference
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Listing 15-4. list::sort
bool Descending(int first, int second)
return first > second;
void SortList()
MyList myList = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
for (auto& value : myList)
cout << value << endl;
cout << endl;
for (auto& value : myList)
cout << value << endl;
The implication of this difference is that you cannot sort ranges of values within the list; you can only
sort the entire list at once.
This chapter has shown you how you can use the STL list template. I began by discussing the
differences between the way array , vector , and list store their elements in memory, along with a
basic explanation of how these differences affect the performance of the different containers.
I then covered how you could create your own very basic list implementation to help you
understand how the list behaves differently than an array or vector at a code level. Finally we
looked at how the STL list shares some iterator and algorithm types with array and vector , but
also how it differs with respect to the array operator and the sort method.
The next chapter covers four more STL containers: set , map , unordered_set , and unordered_map .
These containers provide slight variations on the binary search tree and hash map data structures
and are very useful when you need to sort and access very large sets of data.
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