Game Development Reference
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The OurList function creates three nodes to add to our list, each storing an unsigned int to illustrate
the result when we loop over the list. What you can see is that the m_Next pointer of first is set to
point to the ListNode second . In turn second points back to first and forward to third and third
points back to second .
The for loop in the function then traverses the list and prints the value stored by each. It does this
by faking an iterator to the list. In fact, all we do is get a pointer to first , then have the iter pointer
be updated to iter->GetNext() each time the loop iterates. Eventually we get to third's m_Next
pointer, which will be set to nullptr , and the loop ends. At this point you could delve deeper into
implementing your own lists; however, I would recommend sticking to the STL list template. All of
the features you might like in a list have already been implemented and the STL list is compatible
with all of the iterator types and algorithms that also support other STL containers.
The STL List Template
You will not be surprised to hear that STL's list syntax is very similar to that of vector . You can see
this in Listing 15-3.
Listing 15-3. STL list
using namespace std;
using MyList = list<int>;
MyList myList = { 0, 1, 2 };
MyList::const_iterator iter = myList.cbegin();
Iter = myList.insert(iter, 5);
There is only a single difference between this code when using a list compared to using a vector :
list iterators cannot be modified using the + and - operators. Instead we get the iterator and then
use the ++ or -- operators to move to the position in the list where we would like to insert or erase
elements. The iterator we have also remains pointing to the same element after we insert into
myList . To be able to remove the correct element we had to catch the new iterator returned by the
insert method.
The last major difference in usage between list and vector is that the [] operator is not supported
by list . This makes sense if you think back to the way that these containers store their elements in
memory. Generally vector is implemented using arrays internally, which means that it's easy to use
the [] operator and pointer arithmetic to offset into the array to get the proper element for a given
index. This operation doesn't make any sense for a list where the underlying implementation does
not store elements contiguously in memory.
STL's list implementation supports all of the same iterator types and the find algorithm that we
looked at in Chapter 14. The sort function is a little different and is implemented as a method rather
than a stand-alone function. Listing 15-4 shows the list::sort method in action.
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