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examples of iostream modifiers in action. One of the most common modifiers is std::endl and
earlier in the topic you also used the std::hex and std::showbase modifiers with cout . Listing 13-17
shows a method that uses a stringstream to format data into a string .
Listing 13-17. stringstream Modifiers
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
void StringStreamExample()
stringstream myStringStream;
myStringStream << "Hi" << endl;
cout << "width: " << myStringStream.width() << endl;
myStringStream << 123 << endl;
myStringStream << setw(10) << 123 << endl;
myStringStream << setw(0) << 123 << endl;
myStringStream << 123.567 << endl;
myStringStream << setprecision(4) << 123.567 << endl;
myStringStream << fixed << setprecision(2) << 123.567 << endl;
myStringStream << defaultfloat << setprecision(0) << 123.567 << endl;
myStringStream << 110 << endl << showbase;
myStringStream << hex << 110 << endl;
myStringStream << oct << 110 << endl;
myStringStream << dec << 110 << endl << noshowbase;
string myString = myStringStream.str();
cout << myString;
You can see in Listing 13-17 that you can use a stringstream object in the same way we have been
using the cout object to write to the console window. This means that all of the modifiers that are
available to cout are also available to stringstream and later in the topic you'll see how they're also
available when writing and reading files.
The specific examples of modifiers that you can see in Listing 13-17 are the setw , setprecision ,
fixed , defaultfloat , showbase , noshowbase , hex , oct , and dec modifiers. The setw modifier ensures
that the number specified is the minimum number of characters written to the stream. In this case
we will write the value 123 and 7 padding characters, in this case spaces, into the stream. We clear
the width by setting the value of the width back to 0.
The setprecision modifier is used to round numbers. This will round floating point values. The value
of 4 in the example will round 123.567 to 123.6. When we use the fixed modifier, we are telling
the stream to fix the number of decimal places using the value set by setprecision . Therefore
<< fixed << setprecision(2) will round our number to 123.57. The last line related to floating point
values removes the fixed modifier by reinstating the defaultfloat setting and setting the precision
back to its default value of 0.
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