Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Our Entity class at the moment is very straightforward; all we want it to do is provide our inherited
classes with an Update method. The Update method can be important when developing game
software, as your program will likely be updating your objects once per frame.
Adding Inheritance to the Player Class
Your Player class can now be changed to inherit from Entity . The new Player class can be seen in
Listing 10-12.
Listing 10-12. Inheriting Player from Entity
class Player
: public Entity
std::string m_name;
void SetName(const std::string& name)
m_name = name;
const std::string& GetName() const
return m_name;
You will see what the Player class's Update method will look like once we have added some rooms
for the player to move through.
Adding Rooms
To be able to have the player move through rooms in the game you will need to create a Room class,
and the code for this is shown in Listing 10-13.
Listing 10-13. The Room Class
class Room
: public Entity
enum class JoiningDirections
North = 0,
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