Game Development Reference
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Constant Pointers
Pointers can also be made to be constant; however, the logic is a little more involved. Listing 9-14
shows the different types of pointer constant that we can create.
Listing 9-14. Three Types of Constant Pointer
const char* const NAME = "Bruce Sutherland";
const char* BOOK = "Learn C++ Game Development";
char* const YEAR = "2014";
The first example shows the type const char* const . When dealing with constant pointers we read
the type keywords from right to left so this first example gives us a constant pointer to a character
constant. In practice this means that you cannot change the address to which the pointer points or
the data that it points at.
The second example is a pointer to a character constant. You cannot change the text data but you
can change the address pointed to, so adding the following line would be valid.
This would result in both BOOK and NAME pointing to the string "Bruce Sutherland" .
The remaining example is a constant pointer to character data. You can't change the pointer but you
can change the data pointer to it, so you can do the following.
YEAR[0] = '3';
The array operator would not have compiled if it was used on either NAME or BOOK , as the character
data was constant.
Constant Parameters
It is a straightforward task to make parameters constant. Listing 9-15 shows a function with constant
Listing 9-15. Constant Parameters
bool ConstParams(const int numLetters, const char* const stringData)
return strlen(stringData) == numLetters;
This example uses a C-style string just for the purposes of the example. As you can see, we can
pass constant built-in types or constant pointers to functions or class member methods.
Constant Member Methods
This last section on constants will show you how to create constant member methods. Listing 9-16
shows an example.
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