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5.7 Exercises
Q1: Repeat example 2 by reversing any two of the phase currents and show that
the rotor will reverse its rotation direction. In this exercise the currents are
defined as
i a ¼ I 0 sin w t ; i b ¼ I 0 sin ðw t þ 120 Þ ; i c ¼ I 0 sin ðw t 120 Þ
Normal Connections in Block Mode
reverse phase B and C connections
Q2: The following exercises are meant to expand on the topic of IPM machines
and their torque production via magnet and reluctance components. Exam-
ple 2 should also be used as reference. In the following exercises, the IPM
torque expression will be needed:
2 ½
m IPM ¼
y m I d þð L d L q Þ I d I q
Given that a stator max current, I s ¼ 450 A, and a current angle d ¼ 35
compute the I d and I q components of stator current at maximum loading.
A2: I d ¼ 258 A and I q ¼ 369 A
Q3: For the IPM of Q2 and given that its phase winding flux linkage, k m ¼
0.058 Wb-t, and the fact that this is a 3-phase, 8-pole machine, compute the
magnet torque at maximum load.
A3: m mag ¼ 129.5 Nm (note, the first term in the equation given in Q2)
Q4: Given that the total torque, m IPM , of (Q2) is 270 Nm at 450 A dc and for
the stated current angle of maximum torque production compute the quan-
tity ( L d L q ).
A4: L d L q ¼ 246 m H
Q5: At maximum loading the inductance ratio of an IPM decreases significantly
from its unexcited value. Taking the ratio, L d / L q ¼ 2.7 at maximum loading
and using the result of Q4, compute the values of L d and L q .
A5: L d ¼ 391 m H and L q ¼ 145 m H.
Q6: Apply (5.22) from this chapter and calculate the characteristic current of this
148 A
Q7: Compute the quantity ( L d L q ) for the Synchronous Reluctance machine of
section 5.5.2 if the same torque target ( m SyncRel ¼ 270 Nm) is imposed
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