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Some alternative methods have been proposed to reduce the clustering effort. A
very simple partition method (called the single pass method) creates a partitioned
dataset as follows:
• Step 1. Let the first pixel be the centroid of the first cluster.
• Step 2. For the next pixel, calculate its distance, D , from each existing cluster
centroid using some distance measure.
• Step 3. If the lowest calculated D is less than some specified threshold value, add
the pixel to the corresponding cluster and re-determine the centroid; otherwise,
use the pixel to form a new cluster. If any pixels remain to be clustered, return to
Step 2.
As its name implies, this method requires only one pass through the datasets,
which makes it a very efficient clustering method for a serial processor. One
disadvantage is that the resulting clusters depend on the order in which the pixels
are processed. Some possible alternatives to the single pass technique were pro-
posed in (Richards and Jia 2006 ).
Another cluster method that does not require the number of classes to be
predefined is hierarchical clustering. A hierarchical agglomerative classification
can be constructed using the following general algorithm:
• Step 1. Find the two closest pixels and merge them into a cluster.
• Step 2. Find and merge the next two closest points, where a point is either an
individual pixel or a cluster of pixels.
• Step 3. If more than one cluster remains, return to Step 2.
This method produces an output that allows the analyst to decide how many
groups the data should be divided into. This choice is made using a graph called
dendrogram. It represents the merging history, and shows the distances at which the
centroid clusters were merged. Hierarchical cluster methods differ by the definition
used to identify the closest pair of points, and by the means used to describe a newly
merged cluster. The main techniques are: the single link, the complete link, and the
group average methods. However, it is worth noting that hierarchical clustering
algorithms are not often used in practice, because they cannot easily manage large
amounts of data. See Everitt et al. ( 2011 ) for more details about the hierarchical
clustering approach.
Classes can also be identified using a histogram peak selection technique. This is
equivalent to searching for the peaks in a one-dimensional histogram, where a peak
is defined as a value with a greater frequency than its neighbors. After the peaks
have been identified, the pixels are assigned the value of their nearest peak.
Membership to a class is defined by the neighborhoods of a peak. In the case of
broad generalization, a class is defined by having a frequency higher than all of its
neighbors along the same row and down the same column. The fine generalization
type allows for one non-diagonal neighbor with a higher frequency. Clearly this
method is only useful for low dimensional data (Richards and Jia 2006 ).
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