Java Reference
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import java.beans.*;
public class AnimBean 4 extends JPanel
implements ActionListener
private ImageIcon[] image;
private String imageName = "juggler";
private String oldImage = "juggler";
private int numFrames;
private int oldNumFrames = 0;
private int currentImage = 0;
private int delay = 100; //??
private Timer animTimer;
private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport;
public static void main(String[] args)
AnimBean 4 anim = new AnimBean 4 ();
public AnimBean 4 ()
changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
private void loadFrames()
//Check no. of frames fi rst…
numFrames = 0;
File fi leName =
new File(imageName + (numFrames) + ".gif");
while (fi leName.exists())
fi leName =
new File(imageName + (numFrames) + ".gif");
if (numFrames==0) //No image found!
return; //Abandon loading of frames.
image = new ImageIcon[numFrames];
//Now load frames…
for (int i=0; i<numFrames; i++)
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