Java Reference
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6. Click on Open Folder .
7. Use WinZip (or some other suitable utility program, such as 7-zip ) to extract the
downloaded fi les, saving them in the current location.
8. Click on OK . This will create a sub-folder structure headed by a folder called
apache-tomcat-7.0.34-windows-x64 . This should probably be renamed to
something shorter, such as Tomcat7 .
9. Use the Control Panel to set up the three environment variables listed below. (If
you are unsure of how to create environment variables, please refer to the
details supplied following the steps below.)
(i) JAVA_HOME ( Must be in upper case!)
This should hold the path to your Java SE folder
E.g., C:\JavaSE7
(ii) CATALINA_HOME ( Must be in upper case!)
This should hold the path to your Tomcat folder.
E.g., C:\JavaSE7\Tomcat7
(iii) JRE_HOME ( Must be in upper case!)
This should hold the path to your JRE folder.
E.g., C:\JavaSE7
1 0 . Add fi le servlet-api.jar to your CLASSPATH variable (again referring to the
instructions following these steps if necessary). This fi le will be in <CATALINA_
HOME >\lib .
E.g., C:\JavaSE7\Tomcat7\lib\servlet-api.jar.
1 1 . Within your Tomcat folder is a folder called bin . Add the path to this folder to
your PAT H variable. (Once again, refer to the instructions following these steps
if you are unsure of how to change this environment variable.) This step gives
easy access to the startup.bat and shutdown.bat fi les mentioned below.
Alternatively, of course, you can move into the above folder before using the
startup and shutdown commands.
1 2 . Click on OK three times, as you come out of the Control Panel.
1 3 . Open up a command window and enter the following command:
Four lines of output should appear in the window and a second command win-
dow should open and begin to fi ll up with output. When a line commencing
INFO: Server startup appears in this second window, the Tomcat server is
1 4 . To see information about Tomcat and to access example servlets and JSPs,
open up a browser window and enter:
This identifi es port 8080 on the current machine as being the port upon which
Tomcat will run. If the Tomcat Web page appears, the installation has been
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