Java Reference
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public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
//Create an initialised array of four Account
Account[] account =
{new Account(111111,"Smith","Fred James",112.58),
new Account(222222,"Jones","Sally",507.85),
new Account(234567,"White","Mary Jane",2345.00),
new Account(666666,"Satan","Beelzebub",666.00)};
ArrayList<Account> acctDetails =
new ArrayList<Account>();
//Insert the Account objects into the ArrayList…
for (int i=0; i<account.length; i++)
//Create an implementation object, passing the
//above ArrayList to the constructor…
Bank1Impl temp = new Bank1Impl(acctDetails);
//Save the object's name in a String…
String rmiObjectName =
"rmi://" + HOST + "/Accounts";
//(Could omit host name, since 'localhost' would be
//assumed by default.)
//Bind the object's name to its reference…
System.out.println("Binding complete…\n");
5. Create the client process.
The client uses method lookup of class Naming to obtain a reference to the remote
object, typecasting it into type Bank1 . Once the reference has been retrieved, it can
be used to execute remote method getBankAccounts . This returns a reference to the
ArrayList of Account objects which, in turn, provides access to the individual
Account objects. The methods of these Account objects can then be invoked as
though those objects were local.
import java.rmi.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Bank1Client
private static fi nal String HOST = "localhost";
public static void main(String[] args)
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