Graphics Reference
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p c
Figure 1.5. Geometric construction of point p c .
We can easily find cosθ o maximum on A geometrically by casting a ray from
point p in the direction of the normal n of the surface, creating point p ,inter-
secting with the light plane and finding the closest location on the shape to p ,
called p c (see Figure 1.5). It is worth noting that in the case when the light
plane is pointing away from the surface normal (i.e., n
n > 0), vector pp should
be skewed in the direction of the light plane in order to obtain intersection (see
Figure 1.5).
A maximum of
r 2 can be found by projecting point p on the light plane,
creating point p p , finding the closest point on positive hemisphere to p p , called
p , and finally finding a closest point on the light shape to p r (see Figures 1.6
and 1.7).
p r
Figure 1.6. Geometric construction of point p r when the light plane is pointing toward
the surface.
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