Graphics Reference
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In the case of real-time graphics, we are interested in finding the integral of
L o ( p,ω o ) over the whole hemisphere
set around point p with surface normal
vector n . Therefore, we are looking for
L o ( p,ω o )=
H 2
f r ( p,ω o i ) Ldω i .
Using the definition of radiance L ,
L o ( p,ω o )=
H 2
f r ( p,ω o i ) L i ( p,ω i )cos θ i i .
During rendering we evaluate a finite number of lights. Therefore, we are inter-
ested in expressing integrals over area. In the case of irradiance over area A ,we
can define
E ( p,n )=
L i ( p,ω i )cos θ i i .
In the simplified case of n contributing lights, we can express the integral
from equation (1.1) as a sum of integrals over all area lights that are visible from
point p :
L o ( p,ω o )=
1 ..n
f r ( p,ω o i ) L i ( p,ω i )cos θ i i ( n ) .
A ( n )
Equation (1.2), our main lighting equation, will be the basis of all derivations.
For simplicity we can assume that the light source has uniform light flux
distribution so L ( p,w ) is constant and denoted L ; therefore,
L o ( p,ω o )=
1 ..n
L n
A ( n )
f r ( p,ω o i )cos θ i i ( n ) .
The differential solid angle is also in relation with the differential area.
In the case of a light source defined on a quadrilateral, the differential solid
angle can be expressed as a function of differential area of light:
= dAcosθ o
r 2
where r is the distance from point p on the surface to point p on dA and θ o is
the angle between surface normal dA at point p and p p (see Figure 1.4).
It is worth noting that the solid angle is well defined for multiple primitives
that can be used as a light source shape, such as a disk and a rectangle.
To finalize, radiance at a point per single light is defined as
L o ( p,ω o )=
1 ..n
L n
A ( n )
f r ( p,ω o i ) cosθ i dAcosθ o
r 2
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