Graphics Reference
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[Aila and Laine 09] Timo Aila and Samuli Laine. “Understanding the Eciency
of Ray Traversal on GPUs.” In Proceedings of the Conference on High Per-
formance Graphics 2009 , HPG '09 , pp. 145-149. New York: ACM, 2009.
[Catto 05] E Catto. “Iterative Dynamics with Temporal Coherence.” Presenta-
tion, Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, CA, March, 2005.
[Coumans 13] Erwin Coumans. “Bullet 3.”, 2013.
[Eberly 03] Dave H. Eberly. Game Physics . New York: Elsevier Science Inc.,
[Ericson 04] Christer Ericson. Real-Time Collision Detection . San Francisco,
CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2004.
[Grand 07] Scotte Le Grand. “Broad-Phase Collision Detection with CUDA.” In
GPU Gems 3 , edited by Hubert Nguyen, pp. 697-722. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Addison-Wesley, 2007.
[Harada and Howes 12] Takahiro Harada and Lee Howes. “Heterogeneous Com-
puting with OpenCL: Introduction to GPU Radix Sort.” http://www. id=7, 2012.
[Harada et al. 07] T. Harada, S. Koshizuka, and Y. Kawaguchi. “Smoothed Par-
ticle Hydrodynamics on GPUs.” Presentation, Computer Graphics Interna-
tional Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May, 2007.
[Harada 07] Takahiro Harada. “Real-Time Rigid Body Simulation on GPUs.” In
GPU Gems 3 , edited by Hubert Nguyen, pp. 611-632. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Addison-Wesley, 2007.
[Harada 11] Takahiro Harada. “A Parallel Constraint Solver for a Rigid Body
Simulation.” In SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches , pp. 22:1-22:2. New York:
ACM, 2011.
[Harris 04] Mark Harris. “Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU.” In GPU
Gems , edited by Randima Fernando, pp. 637-665. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Addison-Wesley, 2004.
[Liu et al. 10] Fuchang Liu, Takahiro Harada, Youngeun Lee, and Young J. Kim.
“Real-Time Collision Culling of a Million Bodies on Graphics Processing
Units.” ACM Transactions on Graphics 29 (2010), 154:1-154:8.
[Merrill and Grimshaw 11] Duane Merrill and Andrew Grimshaw. “High Perfor-
mance and Scalable Radix Sorting: A Case Study of Implementing Dynamic
Parallelism for GPU Computing.” Parallel Processing Letters 21:2 (2011),
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