Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenGL ES 3.0 MSAA available
N (Y with extensions)
Light-pre pass
N (Y with extensions)
Light indexed
Tab l e 2. 1. Overview of which techniques are applicable to each API.
This is the equivalent of rendering the first set of lights in the red channel
only, then the blue channel, etc. It assumes that none of the pixels rendered in
each set overlap.
2.5 Conclusion and Future Work
This chapter has covered various techniques of rendering multiple, dynamic lights
eciently in OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0. Each technique has advantages and use-
cases and this chapter has discussed the possibilities for using these techniques,
allowing the reader to choose which techniques to utilize. Table 2.1 gives an
overview of which techniques work with which APIs.
The framebuffer fetch extension is relatively new to the mobile graphics space.
Further work on how to utilize this extension would be of use in future deferred
rendering work. For example, this functionality could allow the use of alpha-
blended objects in deferred rendering. There is also the possibility of using the
currently unused alpha channels in both deferred and light pre-pass rendering for
specular highlights.
[Calver 03] Dean Calver. “Photo-Realistic Deferred Lighting.” White paper,, 2003.
[Engel 08] Wolfgang Engel. “Light Pre-Pass Renderer.” http://diaryofa,
March 16, 2008.
[Hargreaves and Harris 04] Shawn Hargreaves and Mark Harris. “De-
ferred Shading.” Presentation, NVIDIA Developer Conference: 6800
Leagues Under the Sea, London, UK, June 29, 2004. Available online
6800 Leagues Deferred Shading.pdf).
[Reinheart 13] Alfonse Reinheart. “Compute Eye Space from Window
Space.” Preprint, eye space from
window space, 2013.
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