Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.4. Example showing most features of the skin.
1.5.3 Shader
Our final shader (see Figure 1.4) contains four independent texture reads,
1. albedo and reflectivity map,
2. normal map,
3. environment reflection cube-map,
4. blurred irradiance texture,
and one dependent texture read for pre-calulated BRDF lookup texture. The
shader executes around 40 vector operations per pixel. This amount of texture
reads and arithmetic operations leads to good utilization of parallel units in mod-
ern Mobile GPU.
1.6 Summary
An average frame of our demo “The Chase” contains more than 60,000 animated
polygons with the skin shaded geometry covering a significant portion of the
screen. By employing the approach described in this chapter combined with
optimized rendering for the rest of the scenery, we achieve smooth 30 frames per
second on iPad4 at full Retina resolution (2048
1536 pixels). We achieve similar
performance on a variety of modern mobile devices.
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