Graphics Reference
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Integrate the advanced real-time hair rendering into a deferred lighting en-
gine. This will require storing data needed for hair lighting into the per-pixel
linked lists instead of the shaded hair fragment color. AMD has an exam-
ple implementation of this available in the latest TressFX sample available
on the AMD website at
Improve the way vertex and other geometry data is utilized for geometry
expansion, by reducing the amount of data to process in the hair geometry
pass. It should be possible to take advantage of vertex buffers and index
buffers rather than manually indexing into structured buffers in the vertex
shader to perform the geometry expansion.
[Engel and Hodes 13] Wolfgang Engel and Stephan Hodes. “Hair Rendering in
Tomb Raider: AMD's TressFX.” Presentation, FMX 2013, Stuttgart, Ger-
many, April 24, 2013.
[Kajiya and Kay 89] James T. Kajiya and T. L. Kay. “Rendering Fur with Three
Dimensional Textures.” In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques , pp. 271-280. New York:
ACM, 1989.
[Lacroix 13] Jason Lacroix. “A Survivor Reborn: Tomb Raider on DX11.” Pre-
sentation, Game Developers Conference 2013, San Francisco, CA, April 23,
[Marschner et al. 03] Stephen R. Marschner, Henrik Wann Jensen, Mike Cam-
marano, Steve Worley, and Pat Hanrahan. “Light Scattering from Human
Hair Fibers.” ACM Transactions on Graphics 22:3 (2003), 780-791.
[Persson 12] Emil Persson. “Geometric Antialiasing Methods.” In GPU Pro 3 ,
edited by Wolfgang Engel, pp. 71-87. Natick, MA: A K Peters, Ltd., 2012.
[Phong 73] Bui Tuong Phong. “Illumination for Computer-Generated Images.”
Ph.D. thesis, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 1973.
[Scheuermann 04] Thorsten Scheuermann. “Practical Real-Time Hair Rendering
and Shading.” In ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches , p. 147. New York: ACM,
[Thibieroz 11] Nicolas Thibieroz. “Order-Independent Transparency Using Per-
Pixel Linked Lists.” In GPU Pro 2 , edited by Wolfgang Engel, pp. 409-431.
Natick, MA: A K Peters, Ltd., 2011.
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