Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Per-Pixel Lists for
Single Pass A-Buffer
Sylvain Lefebvre, Samuel Hornus,
and Anass Lasram
1.1 Introduction
Real-time effects such as transparency strongly benefit interactive modeling and
visualization. Some examples can be seen Figure 1.1. The rightmost image is
a screenshot of our parametric Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) modeler for
3D printing, IceSL [Lefebvre 13]. Modeled objects are rendered in real time with
per-pixel boolean operations between primitives.
Figure 1.1. Left: Joystick model rendered with the Pre-Open A-buffer technique de-
scribed in this chapter, on a GeForce Titan. 539236 fragments, max depth: 16, FPS:
490. Middle: Dinosaur in Egg, rendered with transparent surfaces and shadows using
two A-buffers. Right: A robot body modeled with 193 solid primitives in boolean oper-
ations (CSG), rendered interactively with the Pre-Open A-buffer technique (modeler:
IceSL). [Joystick by Srepmup (Thingiverse, 30198), Egg Dinosaur by XXRDESIGNS
(Thingiverse, 38463), Spidrack by Sylefeb (Thingiverse, 103765).]
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