Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
8. Next, use interpolation source texture tex2DInterpolationSource to update
the stencil tex2DEpipolarStencil and mark these samples, for which we
will execute ray marching. For all these samples, the interpolation source
indices are the same, which is how they can be detected. Note that all
culled samples are not processed.
9. Perform ray marching for all the marked samples. The resulting in-scattering
is rendered to tex2DInitialInsctr texture (which previously contained coarse
in-scattering and is now reused). Details can be found in Section 2.8.4.
10. Next, the initial in-scattering tex2DInitialInsctr is interpolated on all eipo-
lar samples using interpolation source texture tex2DInterpolationSource
andisrenderedto tex2DEpipolarInscattering .
11. Finally, in-scattering from tex2DEpipolarInscattering is transformed from
epipolar space back to rectangular and added to the attenuated back buffer
(Section 2.8.5).
Important details of the stages are presented in the following subsections.
2.8.2 Sample Refinement
The sample refinement stage generates the interpolation source texture tex2DIn
terpolationSource , which stores the indices of the two samples on the same line,
from which the sample will be interpolated. This stage is implemented with a
compute shader and consists of two steps. On the first step, a shared-memory
array is populated with 1-bit flags indicating if there is significant difference in
coarse in-scattering (loaded from tex2DInitialInsctr ) between each two adjacent
samples in this segment. Flags are computed as follows:
float3 f3MaxI = max ( max ( f3I0 , f3I1 ), 1 e
2) ;
bool NoBreak = all (( abs ( f3I0
f3I1 )/ f3MaxI ) < Threshold );
The flags are packed as 32 bit uints using InterlockedOr() . On the second
step, the interpolation source samples are identified using firstbitlow() and
firstbithigh() intrinsic functions. They return the bit position of the first
nonzero bit starting from the lowest-order bit and the highest-order bit, respec-
2.8.3 1D Min/Max Binary Tree Construction
We store min/max binary trees as a SM Dim ×
N Cascades ) RG_16UNORM
texture tex2DMinMaxDepth , which contains all trees for all slices in all shadow
cascades. As discussed in Section 2.7.2, each 1D height map cannot contain
( N Slices ·
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