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Mie particles: H R = 7994 m , H M = 1200 m [Nishita et al. 93]. Both scattering
and absorption are proportional to the particle density, thus scattering/absorp-
tion coecient at altitude h is given by scaling the appropriate coecient at sea
level with the factor e −h/H .
2.4.2 Scattering Integral and Aerial Perspective
In our derivation of the airlight integral, we will follow a single scattering model
that assumes that sunlight can only be scattered once before it reaches the cam-
era. This is a reasonable approximation for day time. During twilight, multiple
scattering becomes more important and should be considered in the production of
realistic images [Haber et al. 05]. Still, a single scattering model produces reason-
ably convincing results. As we understand it, the only real-time method that ap-
proximates multiple scattering was proposed by Bruneton and Neyret [Bruneton
and Neyret 08]. It requires a 4D lookup table with nonlinear parameterization.
Performing multiple lookups into the table at runtime is quite expensive.
Consider some point P on the view ray starting at camera location C and
terminating at point O (Figure 2.2). If the ray does not hit Earth or the camera
is located outside the atmosphere, then either O or C is assumed to be the
corresponding intersection of the ray with the top of the atmosphere. The amount
of light that reaches P after attenuation by air molecules and aerosols can be
expressed as L Sun ·
e −T ( A→P ) ,where L Sun is the sunlight radiance before entering
the atmosphere, and A is the point on the top of the atmosphere through which
the light reached P .The T ( A
B ) term is called optical depth along the path
from point A to point B . It is essentially the integral of the total extinction
L Sun
R Earth
C Earth
Figure 2.2. Scattering in the atmosphere.
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