Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Hazard reduction
Vulnerability reduction
Preparedness for response
Preparedness for recovery
Use of remittances to allow
some family members to move
to more secure areas
Economic diversification
(taking on several jobs at the
same time) so that disasters
have less impact on livelihoods
Sharing economic and other
assets during hazard impact (ad
hoc measure)
Saving in order to have
'extra money' to prepare
for emergencies (e.g. to be
able to stay somewhere else
Acquiring economic assets that can be
easily sold, for instance:
•use of construction materials for
own shelter which can be sold and
replaced with other objects;
•owning land or property/house
(both aspects also part of physical
Changing (or being able to change)
jobs, to work where demand rises after
disasters (e.g. construction sector) (also
ad hoc measure)
Linking up with faith-based
or other support groups that
provide comfort and support
to improve one's risk situation/
reduce hazard exposure
Engaging in community
matters (e.g. local committees)
to influence community-based
Lobbying political parties,
faith-based organizations,
NGOs, etc. to obtain assistance
for vulnerability reduction
Collaborating with various
institutions (NGOs, churches,
nurseries, etc.) to prepare for
potential evacuations: food
distribution points and/or
emergency shelters
Improving the possibility of accessing
post-disaster help by deliberate
increase of risk (e.g. moving in with
family members in more affected areas
where assistance is available) (ad hoc
Giving preference to employers that
can provide post-disaster assistance
(e.g. for storage of belongings during
recovery phase)
Good community
organizations and interest in
training courses for hazard
Possibility for households to
access legal tenure if practical
issues are supported
Many households have TV
or radio, mobile phones, and
access to Internet, which can
be used for early warning,
campaigns, etc.
Community-based savings schemes
exist that could be scaled up or
expanded (to become emergency
funds, micro-insurance)
a The differentiation between the aspects analysed is not always clear-cut, and there are certainly overlaps
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