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Lastly, the cases show how vulnerable groups can take advantage of
spinoffs that are being successfully used by others. In some instances this can
mean enabling them to access new technology, knowledge or organizational
forms. Spinoff successes cannot be applied in new areas in a standard cookie-
cutter fashion. They should serve to inspire and highlight possibilities. The
'development as usual' approach, with top-down measures often applied with
no consideration, acknowledgement or use of local social innovation, ignores a
wealth of opportunities for instigating or strengthening low-emission adaptation
measures for vulnerable groups.
1 Detailed descriptions of the methods used can be found in Wilk and Jonsson (2013)
and Jonsson and Wilk (2014).
2 Detailed descriptions of the methods used can be found in Andersson et al. (2013)
and Wilk et al. (2013).
3 Detailed description of the methods used can be found in Wilk et al. (2014).
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