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Follow careful downloading practices. If you download software from the Internet or a
bulletin board, check your computer for viruses immediately after completing the trans-
If you detect a virus, take immediate action. Early detection often allows you to remove
a virus before it does any serious damage.
Antivirus software should be
used and updated often.
Despite careful precautions, viruses can still cause problems. They can elude virus-
scanning software by lurking almost anywhere in a system. Future antivirus programs
might incorporate “nature-based models” that check for unusual or unfamiliar computer
code. The advantage of this type of antivirus program is the ability to detect new viruses that
are not part of an antivirus database.
Hoax, or false, viruses are another problem. Criminal hackers sometimes warn the public
of a new and devastating virus that doesn't exist to create fear. Companies sometimes spend
hundreds of hours warning employees and taking preventive action against a nonexistent
virus. Security specialists recommend that IS personnel establish a formal paranoia policy to
thwart virus panic among gullible end users. Such policies should emphasize that before users
forward an e-mail alert to colleagues and higher-ups, they should send it to the help desk or
the security team. The corporate intranet can be used to explain the difference between real
viruses and fakes, and it can provide links to Web sites to set the record straight.
Be aware that virus writers also use known hoaxes to their advantage. For example,
AOL4FREE began as a hoax virus warning. Then, a hacker distributed a destructive Trojan
attached to the original hoax virus warning. Always remain vigilant and never open a suspi-
cious attachment.
Spyware is software installed on a personal computer to intercept or take partial control over
the user's interaction with the computer without knowledge or permission of the user. Some
forms of spyware secretly log keystrokes so that user name and passwords may be captured.
Other forms of spyware record information about the user's Internet surfing habits and sites
that have been visited. Still other forms of spyware change personal computer settings so that
the user experiences slow connection speeds or is redirected to different Web pages than those
expected. The number of personal computers infected with spyware has become epidemic,
and users need to install anti-spyware software. The top four rated anti-spyware software for
Software that is installed on a
personal computer to intercept or
take partial control over the user's
interaction with the computer
without knowledge or permission of
the user.
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